Celebrating our new look...

2nd April, 2018

The Kingsbridge Information Centre was first opened in 1994, as a purpose-built centre on the town square, it has for the last 24 years served us and this community very well. In January 2018 we closed for a month to give it some very much deserved "tender loving care". 

We invited Start Point Flooring to put a new floor down for us, Chris Guard to paint and decorate, and Roger Gomm from Kingsbridge Electrical Services to re-wire the whole centre. The centrepiece of the whole project though was our new counter, and for this we have to thank the wonderful gentlemen from the Kingsbridge Men's Shed who volunteered their time, skills and patience to put it together (with a few finishing touches from my Dad)!

The new layout allows us to display more stock, showcase the Becky Bettesworth prints that we sell, and of course serve the town of Kingsbridge and it's visitors more effectively. If you haven't been to take a look, please do pop in and say hello - we'd be delighted to see you... p.s thanks to Scot Baston for the photos!